Trying to get the kids excited about sailing? Want them to stay busy down below on a long passage? Cruise on over to a new ETC sponsored site - It's a place where you and the kids can check out the first 20 or so EKTC brick-pics, with many more on the way, updated every M/W/F. The photos chronicle the adventures of Nigel, Jerry, Cali, Rover, and Will as they attempt to take over Kingsley the sailboat and sail to warmer climates!
The blog writers over at Everyone's Travel Club are usually too busy working on 'boat projects' to notice what is going is your chance to check it out! Sincerely, Ned Brick (Brick Sailboat's I.T. guy)
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With the time change coming this weekend, some sun over the past few days, and the hope that Seattle has seen the worst of her winter, we start (continue?) the S/V Kingsley upgrades in preparation for spring. Since we live aboard we started with one cockpit and a few interior projects. 1. Hang the Bill Murray/Steve Zissou portrait (purchased on Etsy). It doesn't really get any better than Bill Murray in the movie Life Aquatic...does it? 2. Install custom made roasted oak cockpit tables (mentioned before). Now, don't worry all of you salty sailors out're right - oak isn't a great wood for the saltwater environment...however, roasted oak is a lot better, it has actually been roasted/baked to get all of the water and sugars out of the wood. It's quite dense and, well, it's way cheaper than teak. Not to mention that I'll probably take them off in the winter (they attach pretty easily). 3. Fabric frames to cover our saloon (middle part of the boat) windows. Not my best cutting on the two window frames but I knew captain wifey would hide my edges with pretty fabric...3 boat jobs done, more on the way - All before Spring!
~Paul, Amber, Kali (she slept through the whole thing) ETC |
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August 2022