I've always wanted to leave the homeland of Golden Gardens and paddle North...the idea that you'd hit the Pacific pretty quick is a big thought. Well, I didn't make it that far but I had a great Super Bowl Sunday (there was a game?) paddling from Kingsley, at home in Shilshole Marina (Seattle), North to the town of Edmonds, WA. This was how the day started, wind = 0. I left with a slow incoming tide (against me). I checked the tide charts before I left, you should too if you paddle this. It turned to slack tide pretty quick, which was still nice, but then later on as the tide was heading out the wind picked up from the North making some little waves (wind coming in, tide going out). Moral of the story, if you are new to the club and paddling where tides matter, check the chart before you go...along with the wind forecast! The best part of the paddle is about at halfway (maybe a little bit after) as you reach Point Wells. I had always seen the pier and buildings here while sailing but never knew much about the place. After doing a little research it turns out - (1) It is an asphalt plant in Shoreline/Woodway (read about it on the city website here). (2) It's right on the railroad tracks. (3) It is private property and only accessible by one road. (4) There is a nice beach just North of the place. (5) Behind the nice beach is 'Sherwood Forest'...according to Google Maps (6) This nice beach may or may not be used as a nude beach...and there may or may not have been a 'World Naked Beach Party' here in 2005 [check the info here (clean)] (7) The whole site will probably be turned into a condo/beach/urban center in the coming years. Tennis-balls in the water means one thing in the Northwest - we're almost there (and there is a beach dog park at our destination)! The trip only took about 3 hours (one-way) with almost the right tidal direction, some of the wrong wind direction, and paddling my usual inflatable kayak...next up, Edmonds to Everett?
~Paul ETC P.S. - Check out a post from last summer when we stayed in Edmonds and paddled around the marina!
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March 2014