Good day! A few months ago we kayaked across Lake Washington, from Matthews Beach to the shores of St Edward park. This time we drove over to the park and hiked down through the woods to the beach, inflated our kayak, and paddled the shoreline. After a couple mile hike down to the water (if you go remember you still have to hike back up:) it took a few tries to find a nice place to launch the site didn't have enough a shoreline, another had a bee hive. ![]() After a nice paddle we hiked back out and toured the ex-seminary. What a cool place with an amazing history. Check out a great Seattle Times article on the place here. A short list of fun-facts: they now apparently film scenes in horror movies in these old decrepit buildings (which look great from the outside), the story mentions one state park employee that still lives there in a carved out apartment and his kids ride bikes through the old (spooky) library, the apartment walls won't hold a nail since they're so old and stone, and they once found ooze coming from the walls in some of the rooms - they had it tested and it turned out to be nicotine left over from years of smokey priests! All in all a great little visit, one downside, if you park in the lot you have to pay for the day. I guess I'm used to arriving by water:)
~Paul & Amber ETC
We took to the town this weekend, with our instagram photo app in hand, and caught some good looks around Seattle's Pike Place Farmer's Market. Maybe it's just that time of the year, but now that I look at the pictures they seem a touch spooky...!
~Paul & Amber ETC We don't need a boat (we just bought Kingsley not that long ago), but that didn't stop us from heading on down to the Seattle Lake Union Boats Afloat Show a few weeks ago. This was the 33rd annual Lake Union Show, different from the big boat show in Janurary (I've heard of that one), with lots more boats in the water. Here's our ETC quick pic tour (and just a slice of what they had to show!): They've revamped Lake Union Park and Center for Wooden Boats.General Pics from around the ShowBeneteau Sense 43Well, at first the new Beneteaus looked a little too Ikea for us, but after spending some time aboard the brand new Sense 43, we got used to it. Boat critics/magazine writers have been gushing over this guy at boat shows around the country this year, it's got new joystick steering and a close-to-the-water's pretty sweet. Island Packet dream boatIf you're wanna-be cruisers one-day kids like us, you would do nicely in a brand new (or newer in this case) Island Packet. NajadOne of our favorite boats at the show, one that balanced awesomeness with affordability* was a 2007 Najad (pronounced Nuh-yoord I think). The only bad news: the company just went bankrupt. *that is, if you consider $225,000 affordable. 2003 Waterline 55'Hunter 27eE for electric. Yep, that's right, she's got an electric engine under the hood. Are boats and cars heading in the same direction? Time will tell. I have heard of some hybrid diesel/electric engine work being done by Nigel Calder but even he isn't quite there yet... Weta Trimaran2012 70' McKinnaWe thought we'd throw in one ridiculous powerboat in our tour. While there were a lot to choose from, this stinkpot was the way coolest. ~Paul & Amber ETC
Well, we took off from Kingsley (the ETC mothership) aboard our double inflatable kayak, paddling towards the West Point Lighthouse (we always go there!). Then, all of a sudden, we noticed a black fin in the distance... Was it a whale? It swam closer... Then it got this close...OK, not really, I just zoomed in with the camera. It turns out it was a California sea lion 'sailing'. This involves a sea lion swimming, usually with one flipper up in the air, in an effort to regulate body temperature. The real name for this is thermoregulation. People usually mistake this and think the sea lion needs help but it is totally normal folks, relax and let them do their thing!
~Paul, Amber, Sea Lion (we made him an honorary club member for the day) ETC |
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March 2014